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Album - Disease called Mankind 1.0

Album - Disease called Mankind 1.0

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Album - Disease called Mankind Publisher's Description

Lamagra - Death- / Thrash Metal from Germany
(20 Km east of Stuttgart)

Against the demo "Tales of Sorrow", it is clearly audible that the band has really made progress but lamagra remain true to their style. The two songwriters and creative heads of the band Axel und Hacki show how to change ideas into great songs. Stunning solos, sophisticated guitars, smashing and varied drums, pushing bass lines and very variable vocals show the formidable, technical and playing ability of these musicians.
11 tracks in hight quality. It is really a bargain at that price!

1.) Intro (1:05)
2.) To a Failure (1:39)
3.) Traitor (2:55)
4.) God is dead (6:36)
5.) Lamagra (6:24)
6.) Dem Todgeweihten (5:00)
7.) Through Life and Death (5:53)
8.) Lies (3:37)
9.) Disease called Mankind (2:53)
10.) The Bomb (4:09)
11.) Outro (1:36)

Released: 2006
11 Songs, Length: 42:03 min

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